Fellowship Recent Events


In honor of Black History month, in February Sharon Buzard will be sharing with us some special meditations on the contributions African Americans have made on our faith.  Thursday night at 7:00 PM we will have a prayer and praise service.  Sunday’s service will remind us to keep the Sabbath holy.Feb_dinnerWe had fun last Sunday at the “Fellowship of Love Pot-Luck”  It was great to have so many turn out and make the pot-luck such a success. Good food and wonderful fellowship are one of the joys of being a part of Faith! Meals were made and delivered to a few of our members that were not able to be with us. Also, our feathered friends will be happy with the bird seed donations as they keep us company throughout the winter. Always reminding us how God cares and watches over us all. Many thanks to all who helped with set-up and clean-up, too!