Worship is at the heart of the life of a Christ Follower. In worship we offer our sacrifice of praise in song, in prayer, and in our lives. Our worship service is offered each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for children kindergarden to 5th grade is provided after children’s time during the service. Special seasonal services occur throughout the year
Typical Worship Service
From the rising of the sun to its setting: Blessed be the name of the Lord.Psalm 113:3
We would be delighted to have you joined us for worship in our sanctuary that praises God and his creation. If you are unfamiliar with our service the following descriptions may help you to understand the movement of the service as well as some of the symbols that are used.
As we gather, we are reminded that each one of us is a child of God and connected to each other through Jesus Christ. Our worship is most pleasing to God when it is open to all people. One way we do this is to greet each other. In the ancient church this was a time to set aside differences so that we might enter worship reconciled with each other. Offering a blessing to each person, such as‚ “May the peace of Christ be with you,‚ is traditional. The Prelude is meant to be a quiet time in which we prepare our hearts and minds for worship. The music also helps us make the transition from the world timeto God time. The large candle is called the Christ Candle. Lighting the Christ candle represents Christ presence in worship. The two candles flanking the cross symbolize Jesus‚two natures, human and divine. The use of two candles may also represent the Epistles (the letters in the New Testament) and the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). At the end of the service the Acolytes extinguish the candles and symbolically take the light of Christ into the world. Acolytes are attendants or helpers who assist in worship by bringing in the light of Christ and then extinguishing candles and bearing the light of Christ into the world. At Faith our youth serve as acolytes.
WE HONOR AND GLORIFY GOD The Call to Worship is just that.Having individually prepared for worship, we are called as a community to worship. The opening prayer is a time to offer glory to God and ask for God presence in worship.
WE LISTEN FOR THE WORD OF GOD We believe that God speaks to us through the Scriptures. Each reading is an opportunity to hear what God has to say to us. In the reading of the four gospels, we are addressed by the words of Christ and experience an encounter with the living Christ. Therefore the congregation stands during the reading of the Gospel Lesson.
WE RESPOND TO THE HEART OF GOD Any encounter with God demands a response. Responses include songs of praise, prayer and the giving of our tithes. The Doxology is a song that praises God for the many gifts that God has given to each of us. Other responses might be committing ourselves to a particular course of action or affirmations of our faith. On the first Sunday of each month we share Communion. As Methodists we believe in the real presence of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and received by faith. Our table is open to all.
WE GO INTO GOD WORLD Our faith is not meant to live within the walls of the church building. Having encountered the risen and present Christ in worship we are sent out to be bearers of the Good News of Jesus Christ.