Building Hope One Life at a Time.
The Lord said ‚”Whom shall I send.“; We want to say said, ‚”Here I am Lord; Send me.” We believe it is both a joy and a responsibility for every member of our church to find ways to demonstrate God’s love through mission work. No matter our skills, time or age, we know that God has given each of us special gifts to share.
Highlighted Mission Opportunities
Habitat for Humanity: We will be participating with other churches in building a new home right here in our community.
Around Christmas we participated in old favorites and new mission events including our first year participating in Operation Christmas Child donating shoebox gifts for needy children, our traditional Advent Giving Tree where Missions collects gifts and money for local ministries as well as for several needy families. For example; ABW (Alternatives for Battered Women); CWS (Church World Service) to purchase blankets; Building materials for a village in Peru destroyed by flooding earlier this year and we withstood the cold Bell ringing for Salvation Army. Despite unusually cold weather we stood together taking shifts with our families and church friends ringing a bell at the red collection bucket. These events not only help those in need at this time of year, but also we remind others (and ourselves) of what Christmas is really about.
RHAFT Rush-Henrietta Area Food Terminal provides food to local families in need. We collect much needed food, and encourage participation as drivers and packers. Collection boxes in the foyer by the coat racks. Souper Bowl collection was made on Super Bowl Sunday collecting extra food for RHAFT at time where supplies are often falling low.