Background: Mary rushes to Elizabeth and we don’t know why. Perhaps she was excited to hear her cousin who was barren was with child. Perhaps she wanted to be with someone who would believe her about the miracles that were happening to them. One thing we do know is that Elizabeth was overjoyed to see Mary and recognizes her as the mother of the savior. While the baby who will be John the Baptist jumps for joy as well. Mary responds with a now famous prayer that has been but into many songs. This “magnificat” is an inspired expression of her gratitude and wonder. How doese this young girl can have such wisdom to see past the socially dangerous situation she is in and the overwhelming message that she is carrying the savior. She sees the glory of God in it all. God works through Mary and we can listen to her words and hear how we can understand ourselves as part of God’s plan.
Reading: Luke 1:39-56
Focus Verse: Luke 1: 46-47: And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
While this sounds beautiful-but what does it mean to have one’s soul magnify the Lord. There is actually some discussion on what it means. We think of magnification like a microscope, but those weren’t invented yet. It could mean that like it amplifies- her soul is filled with God’s song, or it could mean bringing God closer. Listen to the whole phrase and hear the joy in this young girl’s voice, her soul sees the magnitude of the Lord and the joy of having this God be her savior. Amidst a confusion time, Mary holds tight to her God and gratitude.